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199 results
A luminance-based approach for inferring personal daylight preferences using a new composite similarity index.
IIR document
A measurement of velocity fields in a floor heating room for validation of CFD.
A novel measurement system for dense foam using a single-tip optical fiber probe.
Étude expérimentale et simulée d'un pilote de distillation membranaire.
Experimental simulated study on a membrane distillation prototype.
Étude des technologies de dessalement thermique "(TVC, MSF, TVC/MSF-BR)".
Survey on thermal desalination technologies "(TVC, MSF, TVC/MSF-BR)".
Rychlostní pole v okolí vyústky pro odmrazování a odmlžování celního skla osobního automobilu.
Velocity field near air outlet for defrosting and defogging of a car windshield
Development of a novel axi-symmetric non-rotating roof-top ventilator.
3D evaluation of thermal stresses on ceramic-metal composites used at high temperature operation.
Vliv tepelných ztrát rozvodu a ochlazování otopné vody na návrh otopné soustavy.
Effect of heat distribution losses and cooling of heating water on design of heating system.
CFD research of the counter-flow spray concentration process in solar energy - air evaporating separation saline wastewater treatment system.
Two stage high speed centrifugal blower flow characteristics via CFD simulation.
Ensilication improves the thermal stability of the tuberculosis antigen Ag85b and an Sbi-Ag85b vaccine conjugate.
Modélisation et étude de l’adsorption du CO2 par des matériaux géologiques tunisiens : application au stockage du CO2 dans un aquifère salin profond.
Modelling and study of CO2 adsorption by Tunisian geological materials: application to CO2 storage in a deep saline aquifer.
Comparaison énergétique et exergétique de systèmes de dessalement.
Energy and exergy comparison between desalination systems.
Humid air behavior through a bubbler basin using for water desalination.
Refrigeration sector monitoring
6 results
Urban cooling strategies
A report provides practical guidance to optimise development projects to moderate urban microclimates in major urban centres in Australia.
For IIR members only
EU reports shortage of RAC technicians
In the latest edition of the labour shortages and surpluses report, the European Labour Authority identified 11 countries with severe shortage of air conditioning and refrigeration...
2nd edition of World Ventilation Day on November 8
The theme for the 2023 edition of World Ventilation Day theme is "Breathe Better, Live Better".
First World Ventilation Day set for November 8
World Ventilation Day will be inaugurated on 8th November 2022, at the initiative of several organisations around the world including UNEP.
Road to COP28: Energy efficiency, the key to sustainable cooling in Africa
According to Francis Sempore, director of ECREEE, energy efficiency is a key sustainability issue that needs to be promoted, funded and supported through the implementation of...
Flammable refrigerants: the IEC approves the charge increase in commercial refrigeration
The International Electrotechnical Commission rejected in April a proposal to increase the charge limit of flammable refrigerants in the commercial refrigeration. But a recount has just reversed the decision.
IIR news
9 results
The IIR launches a call to action to adopt 5 internationally established refrigeration terms!
All professionals in the field of low-temperature technologies are called and are strongly encouraged to strictly adhere to the internationally established and approved definitions, by the International...
Call to action to adopt 5 internationally established refrigeration terms!
Catch up on the IIR Working Group on LCCP evaluation in Chicago
IIR Working Group on Life Cycle Climate Performance (LCCP) evaluation continues to make impressive headway.
IIR economic news service: the latest from our market report partners
The IIR has established partnerships with several leading market research companies, as well as with establishments that combine and provide detailed reports and global analytical studies on different sectors of the refrigeration or economic...
IJR among 10 most influential publications in Thermal Sciences
According to the 2024 Google Scholar Metrics ranking, the International Journal of Refrigeration ranks among the top 10 most cited publications in the thermal sciences...
Professional forums on cryo-sciences: Experts and young researchers alike
Although significant progress has been made in cold application in life sciences driven by new solutions in the production, storage and handling of bio-products along the entire production chain all the way up to the end-user, there are still many...
Ohrid 2015: Ammonia and CO2 refrigeration technologies at the forefront
In light of the intense debate on the F-Gas regulation, its implementation worldwide, as well as proposed amendments to the Montreal Protocol, the conference provided the ideal forum for the exchange of knowledge on ammonia and CO2 technologies.
New IIR Working Group on Careers in Refrigeration “CaRe”
The IIR is delighted to announce the new IIR Working Group on Careers in Refrigeration “CaRe”, chaired by Dr Catarina Marques.
IIR at COP29 in Baku: Week 1 in review
The first week of COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan, brought together global leaders, scientists, and industry stakeholders to tackle pressing climate issues. Among the key participants, the...